Running hasn’t been my thing in a while, so I decided this week would be a running week. Well, things aren’t looking too bright right now. Currently, I have two ice packs resting on my quads. They have been the victim of brutality – 4ish consecutive days of rigorous running. What used to be my calves are now lumps of malignant cancers masticating on my flesh. I guess now would be a good time to warrant my complaints.
So in chronological order:
Sunday: Aquathon with a 3km run. Later in the day, a 7km run paced run
Monday: 35 minutes on a treadmill, running kilometer intervals at mile pace. 2km swim
Tuesday: 60 minutes of intervals on a track. 2km swim
Wednesday: Wreck Beach stairs ~1920 stairs
Thursday: 11km run at a relatively vigorous pace.
I know this doesn’t seem like much, but keep in mind, I haven’t been running lately. Or at all. And when people say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, consider the consequences of your actions before you purge the tree. However, if you want to experience the hurt, then by all means indulge in my masochist lifestyle.
As you can probably tell, these past few days (since Wednesday) have been quite debilitating to say the least, but I have found sanctum from my needless humbuggery. I learned that if your calves and quads are shot, go for a swim! As long as you aren’t swimming to puke, you’re support muscles will thank you because they’ll be doing a lot of work for the next couple days. You also won’t look like a total gimp in the water.
So my advice to any novice triathletes out there right now is if you are doing a run week, make sure you’ve done run weeks before so your body knows how to adjust itself to the pace you’re going at; otherwise, you’ll overdo it like me and be forced to swim for the next little while.